Thursday, November 4, 2010

President Obama Defeat

"Wow" It was a overwhelming victory for the republicans, man am I glad, but at the same time I'm sad. Why you ask? Because nothing is gonna change, there will be no job increase, no spending freeze, no help for the middle class and certainly no love for their fellow Americans

"You see my friends as John McCain would say" it was never about helping to turn the economy around, or health care, it has and will always be about how to defeat President Obama's Presidency.

Yes, how many states can we turn red so that in 2012 he will go down in defeat. So they think? Idiots say we care what the American say "LOL" In the closed chambers they know the people are idiots and they can get them to believe anything. It is almost as Satan himself that appeared to Eve in the form of a serpent (snake) and said, "you shall not surely die so eat of the fruit" Yea right Mr Republican!

Our President has accomplished more in 2 years than any previous President in 4-8 years. Yet it seems he is naive or just plain stupid to believe that these goons want to work with him, I mean come on Mr President "Wake up and smell the stinky odor that proceeds from their lips, they hate you, don't smell the coffee, through it at them and stand up like Former President Bush and say you are either for me or against me and I simply don't give a ?

Take some lesson from the Bush era after all Dick shot his own friend in the face so you know what would happen to someone that defied him. They ran the country into the ground and you dumb dumbs know it yet after only 2 years you forget and have no patients, why I otto?

Sorry for the rant. "Not Really" I'm like Bush I don't give a ? But, I will say this to our President get some balls and get your cabinet together, get some guys up in there who will not back down to the repubs. You know like Howard Dean and some of the former Clinton cabinet because they don't give a ? and will knock somebody out who crosses them yea, like the Bush people did.

Let's just get along, that's fine if that's what they truly want to do, but they don't Mr President. Quit holding the enemy hand and singing, Come by here dear lord, come by here. It is time to kick their ass and take names like one of the other Presidents.

I don't want a one term President, but if you don't quit believing the words that are coming out of their mouths you will.